DJL Electrical

DJL Electrical

Contractors in Robinson, WA

Contractors Electricians Electricity

Contact us


51 Gledhow South Road,
Robinson , WA 6330 AUSTRALIA

About DJL Electrical

All of our Albany, Western Australia, customers receive skilled electrical services of the highest calibre.

DJL Electrical is a locally owned and operated business that was established in 2016. We are a team of trained and experienced electricians who consistently deliver high-quality, cost-effective electrical services. We like offering personalised and professional assistance while determining the best course of action for you.


DJL Electrical 08 9841 6003
51 Gledhow South Road,
Robinson , WA 6330 AUSTRALIA
DJL Electrical

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DJL Electrical
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electrical services,  24 hour electrician,  electricians electrical service and repair
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DJL Electrical

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